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Gina Paulhus's The Home Bodies Newsletter is now available in a short but information-packed newsletter for anyone who is looking to lose weight, tone up, and get and stay fit, healthy, and youthful. You'll also receive tips on Corrective Exercise, a type of fitness programming where you can support your body's function via an exercise routine. You're free to opt in to our Nutrition articles, too. As we all know, what we eat has a lot to do with how fit and healthy we can become!

Gina Paulhus NewsletterGina Paulhus' The Home Bodies Newsletter is your resource to keep up to date with the latest in terms of health and fitness information.

Gina Paulhus's articles will help keep your motivation to stay healthy and fit revved up on a regular basis! If you receive our 10 issues per year, you won't let yourself "forget" about working out and eating healthy for months on end. You'll also receive fresh new ideas to keep things interesting.

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When you sign up, you'll also receive a FREE Gift - The 5 Core Exercises You Should Be Doing But Aren't.

This guide isn't available anywhere else. You'll be sure to gain tips you have never seen before when it comes to your core training.

Gina Paulhus Newsletter
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Corrective Exercise/Injury Management
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You can unsubscribe at any time. We include Special offers not available anywhere else, and only send 10 issues per year.