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Home Bodies can provide you with a Hampton NH in home personal trainer just as we did for Donna Winner!

We offer Hampton NH in home personal trainers, and have been since 2004. Meet one of our valued clients, Donna Winner!

hampton NH in home personal training client

Donna Winner and her husband Jim Winner live in Hampton, NH . Donna hasn’t always lived in New Hampshire, though: her home state is Connecticut, and she's also lived in Baltimore and Minneapolis. No matter where she is, Donna has always remained active in some capacity. She went to gyms most of her life, and she also practiced Tai Chi for 7 years.

Donna and Jim also like to take active vacations together. Donna enjoys traveling quite a bit. She also enjoys going to the theatre, dancing, boating, and hiking. She’s also an avid reader. Donna was the first person who bought Mind Over Fatter, and was probably the first one to finish reading it as well!

Donna started working out with Gina in July of 2004. Her friend Nancy Angell, also from Hampton NH, highly recommended Gina Paulhus and Home Bodies - and after receiving one Newsletter and a "Jump-Start Your Fitness" offer in the mail, Donna gave Gina a call. One thing that surprised Donna was that personal training wasn't just for the rich and famous--she had always thought it would be “outrageously expensive” and not accessible for her.

Donna was looking for a workout routine she could do at home as well as when she traveled, which is quite frequently. She regularly makes trips down to Connecticut to be with her father, and also goes to her camp in Maine. Part of the reason I choose Donna for client of the month is her dedication: she had a set of adjustable dumbbells in a carrying case, and brings them up and down New England in her jeep! Rumor has it she even has to lug them up and down a few cases of stairs in CT and ME: but, ever the trooper, she hasn't missed more than a day or two of workouts in almost 6 months. 

hampton in home personal trainer
Hampton NH home personal trainer

It was important to Donna that she had a routine that fit her lifestyle and was something she could do long-term. Her main goals back in July when she started with Gina were to gain strength, especially in the upper body, to control her weight better, and to maintain good health. She was hoping that she would look better to go along with all these positive changes as well. I designed a full-body weight lifting program for Donna that she performs 3 days per week. Donna does about 40 minutes of cardio on a treadmill or walking outside on the days she doesn't lift weights, and does about 20 minutes on the days she performs her resistance training. Donna loves the fact that with a home program she can fit the workout into her daily schedule and that it takes less time than the gym, since you don't have to drive there or wait for equipment. For Donna, the travel time and the waiting could make the experience of a workout more frustrating than anything else, and not motivating or relaxing like she thinks a workout should be. 

Donna usually tries to work out in the morning, but there have been times she did her workout at 9pm, just because that was the first chance she got all day to do it. Donna has noticed that she has gained strength from the program, because she's lifting more weight for more reps than she was doing before. Her weight loss has been slow, but steady. She notices a big time increase in energy in the afternoon that has really made a difference for her--she no longer hits that mid-afternoon lag in energy. "This time [my reason for exercising] was different, says Donna. “I am not doing this to look better for a special event. I'm looking for a long term commitment to good health and gradual weight loss. I think back and reflect on the reasons why I started this program, and it helps me continue.”

If you're in Hampton NH and want an in home personal trainer, please reach out to us and we will get you a Quote Request.

Secrets of Their Fitness Success

Donna's Tips

  1. Set a time aside for your workouts and make it a priority.
  2. Do your planned workouts every day no matter what - even if it's late.
  3. Make a real commitment to your program - don't accept letting yourself slide. Using an in-home personal trainer is a great idea, especially if you're not a huge fan of the gym.
  4. If you're hoping to lose weight or eat healthier, write down what you eat each day. It makes you pay more attention and makes you more honest and accountable.
  5. Don't hesitate to ask your personal trainer if you're unsure of something. She'll help you that same day, and that's so much better than waiting until your next visit.

What our client has to say about working with a Home Bodies Trainer

"Ashley Arpe trained me for a couple of years at my home in Dover for an hour each week. She was a pleasure to work with as she was always punctual and ready to push me to do more with my body even when motivation to move was sometimes low. That’s because she brought her own motivation and brought some to spare. If I were uncomfortable doing an exercise, she would try to ascertain what I needed to do the exercise. Sometimes I just needed a push, other times, I needed a modification. This comes easily for her as she has an arsenal of different things you can do with your own bodyweight and resistance. She worked with what equipment I had and my surroundings to fill my hour with varied and challenging work. If you’re looking for a knowledgeable and motivated trainer, book a few sessions with her. You won’t be disappointed."


jen landry strength flexibility testimonial

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