Foam Rolling Stretching Videos

Full Routines of Foam Rolling Stretching

foam rolling stretchingThese videos will get you foam rolling with confidence!

Our foam rolling stretching videos will help teach you proper technique for using your foam roller. The foam roller can help your muscles feel better if they are sore or stiff. It's a form of self myo-fascial release and can be used as a warm-up, a cool-down or during a recovery day.

It's best to generally take 6-10 passes over a specific spot before moving on. More is not better! However, you may try rolling multiple times throughout the day as long as you stick to the 6-10 passes per body part per session.

Individual Body Parts

10% Taller

Across Body Arm Scapula Ball Release

Active Ball Release Scapula

Airplane Rotations Close Kickstand

Arms Out Windshield Wipers Back Release

Banded Ankle Mobility

Banded Hip Rotations

Basic Pelvic Floor Cuing for Weight Training

Big Toe Twist

Breathing Into Back Countertop Stretch

Breathing Into Front Chest Wall

Cervical Extension

Chest and Upper Back Ball Release

Chest Isometric with Activation on Wall

Contract/Relax Upper Back Mobilization

Crocodile Breathing

Dorsal Rostral Expansion

Elbows on Countertop Serratus Press and Release

Extended Lopsided Breathing

Facedown Angel Wings Forehead on Pad

Facedown Pillow Breathing

First Rib Mobilization with Arm Chop

Foam Roll TFL

Foam Roll Triceps

Foam Rolling Back

Foam Rolling Hamstrings

Foam Rolling Hip Flexors

Foam Rolling IT Band

Foam Rolling Lower Leg (Including Peroneals)

Foam Rolling Upper Body

General Muscle Release with a Ball and also with Movement

Full Squat Hug on Roller

Hands and Knees Rockback w/ an Elevated Hand

Iliacus Pullback Reset

Isometric and Chest Against Corner

IT Band Roller Release

Hands and Knees Scapula Release with Breathing

Happy Baby with Feet on Wall

Hip Extended ER Leg Opener with Block or Book

Hip Hinge with Back Leg Drag

How Deep Does Your Breath Go?

How Deep Does Your Breath Reach?

Inverted Breathing

Loop Pronation Drill

Lopsided Rockbacks

Low Back Reset

Lower Leg Massage with Kneecap

Midback Rotations w/ Hand Behind Head

Monster Band Talus Mobilization

Neck Isometric

Neck Rotation Reset

Occipital Release with Ball

Occipital Release with Peanut Ball

Paraspinal Release Using Ball

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Peanut Balls General Spine Release

Pec Opener with Weight

Pelvic Floor Release Work with Ball

Pelvis Smash

Pillow Lower Ribs

Piriformis on Roller

Posterior Prolapse Relieving Position Using Chair

Posterior Prolapse Relieving Position Using Wall

Puppy Pose

Puppy Pose Relaxing Down Prolapse Relieving Position

Relative Hip Shift at Wall

Retro Hip Hinge Using Wall and Book

Rib Smash

Rib Smash Different for Different Sides

Rib Smash Focus on Lower Ribs

Rib Smash with Hip Shift


Rockbacks in Hands and Knees

Roll Calfs with Ball

Rolling Front Pockets with a Foam Roller

Rolling Glutes with a Ball

Sacral Release with Ball

Scapula Glides with Small Ball

Scapula Press and Release Countertop

Seated Childs Pose

Seated Iliacus Pullback

Seated Wall Breathing

Segmental Cat Cow

Serratus Hands and Knees Press and Release in Stages

Serratus Reach Up Move Continuously

Serratus Release Plus Rotator Cuff

Shoulder ER/IR

Shoulder Girdle Rolls

Shoulder Internal Rotation on Back

Sidelying Breathing with Alternate Hand Placement

Sidelying Chest Opener

Sidelying Decompression with Roller and Cactus Arm

Sidelying Opposition Gait Work

Sidelying Rib Mobility

Single Sided APT Work Using Chair

Skin Cupping and Gliding

Skin Lifting

Skin Rolling

Spinal Mobility (Cat/Cow)

Spinning into Hip ER Using Warrior Pose

Straight Arm Thoracic Opener

Subscapularis Release

Suprahyoid Tightness

Taping #1 for Diastasis

Thoracic Active Mobilization Elbows Up

Thoracic Crunches with Foam Roller

Tennis Balls in Sock Individual Vertabrae Release

Thoracic Give Yourself a Hug Release with Roller

Thoracic Spinal Presses in Isolation

Thoracic Spine Passive with Peanut Ball

Thoracic Spine Work With Roller

Tibial Internal Rotation via Glute

Tip of Tongue on Roof Mouth Stretch

Toe Plantarflexion

Tripod Mobility

Upper Back Mobilization with Ball

Upper Body Rolling

Wall Angels Seated w/ Neutral Hands

Wall Squat Low Reach

Wall Walkouts for Shoulder Mobility

Wipe Wall for Scapula Mobility

Yoga Block Elevated Talus Mobilization with Band