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You're so smart to be researching hernia repair recovery exercises! A lot of folks make the misguided assumption that all they need to do for a hernia is get a repair - and then life is grand again! Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. Many people find themselves in the predicament of having multiple hernias since they never got to the root of the problem - their movement patterns and how their bodies manage pressure. You don't want to be in that camp!
Having a hernia repair is like pushing the "reset" button on things. It gets you out of trouble - but it doesn't address the issues in your body that led the hernia to develop in the first place.
Did you know that hernia exercises can be so effective that 50% of people with hernias who don't even have surgery go back to the activities they love? That's saying a lot!1
As part of my process of healing myself, I signed up for a core strengthening program that was designed to help those with a core injury in some way. After working the program for about six months I was able to reverse my hernia - without surgery! This result was confirmed via CT scan.
I now have confidence that I won't ever develop a hernia again due the exercises I learned and the techniques I applied to daily tasks. I loved my results so much that I felt compelled to take a course so that I could teach the program to others! The course covered how to faciliate healing of hernias with or without repair as well as prevent them.
Here is an article I wrote for Dr. Sarah Duvall's website Core Exercise Solutions. Dr. Sarah was my instructor in the course, and I was honored that she posted my article on her site. You'll see even more of the exercises I used to help my hernia as well as see another video about my personal hernia story. Read Now
➡️ Schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call on My Calendar.
➡️ You can also Schedule a 60 Minute Appointment here at my Virtual Rate
Our breathing system is the foundation of our core, since the way our lungs and diaphragm move set the stage for the function on the rest of our abs. Plus, we breathe a bagillion times per day! What could be more important than that?
In the PCES course I learned about so much more than just hernias. I learned that hernias are often a full body issue with the hernia being the symptom. Along the way I built upon the expertise I already had as a trainer in managing back pain, helping improve posture, healing diastasis (separation of the ab muscles along the midline), healing hernias, healing prolapse, and many other issues that can affect us from head to toe. A lot of these issues can be drastically helped with a few simple breathing exercises that are easy to fit into your day. It's pretty amazing stuff!2
With these core exercises I have learned and I now teach, I am proud and grateful that I have gotten myself back to living a pain free life which includes overcoming back pain that limited my ability to walk for years. So much S#*$ can go wrong when our core is weak or injured - or things are simply out of balance in our body.
Do not perform any exercises without first being clearned to do so by your doctor.
In this exercise, I am training my TA (or transverse abdominus) muscles which are the abs that serve as my "corset" holding everything in. Since the TAs are weaker on many people compared to the other ab muscles, we have to work them in isolation in order to build them stronger. Otherwise, if we work on harder ab moves our stronger abs such as our obliques or our rectus (the six pack muscles) will jump in and overtake the TAs. By using rotation with my leg, I am teaching my body to deal with real life scenarios versus everything perfectly centered and done straight forward.
I used to have to tape my hernia with kinesiotape just to get through the day. I was petrified to work my core since the doctors I met with scared me into believing my hernia would only get worse and worse with time. Now I am so tremendously confident in doing anything I want to do that I forget my hernia was even there!
The hernia repair recovery exercises I performed were simple and easy to incorporate into my day. I can even do some of them while in the car or waiting in line at the grocery store. Now I am on a maintenance plan with them and it's not a big deal at all to keep up with them while I focus most of my time on other types of workouts.
Simply having hernia repair surgery and then hoping for the best isn't the way to increase your odds of success - in fact, hernia repair failure is pretty high. I don't mean to scare you, but with a few personalized simple core exercises you can really increase your odds of continuing on with a pain-free, hernia free life after surgery! It's seriously worth taking some time to learn about them. If you're still not sure it's for you, schedule a Discovery Call below and I'll give you an opinion on your situation at no cost.
Schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call on My Calendar. I'll explain exactly how I can help you with your hernia and what the process will involve.
I worked this program as a student for a year and a half before enrolling in the PCES course. Not only did I spent countless hours in the course material and lectures, but I also have had the opportunity to practice my skills on live people! I currently am a professional member of their group which means I engage in continuing education on a weekly basis.
I have a full client load now focusing on hernia repair, prolapse healing, and postpartum issues. I also have a team of Physical Therapists and other trainers on my side who I can ask questions of or refer clients to if their expertise is needed to complement mine.
Skin rolling helps free up our fascia throughout our body. A hernia happens when there is an area of weakness in the fascia. Oftentimes one area becomes weak because areas around it are tight. In skin rolling, we are working the areas around the hernia which mean it's usually safe. However, always proceed with caution especially when it's new.
Our abdomen is designed to work as a system, and everyone knows that if one part of a system fails, the whole thing falls apart. If one part of our core system is stronger than the other, hernias as the outcome - there are no two ways about it. No repair job can ensure that you won't have a repeat performance. However, the good news is I know exactly what to teach you to help yourself.
The good news is, no matter why or how you got your hernia, I know how to help you.
I promise you – so much can be done about so many of these issues with hernia repair recovery exercises! The exercises are scalable - you can do as much or as little as you want and have time for and still benefit. I will work with you and your schedule to ensure that it's not overwhelming.
And if it turns out you need or want surgery, corrective exercise can increase the odds that the surgery will “take” and decrease the odds of future issues developing. Oftentimes the exercises can be started as soon as one week after surgery. In other cases you'll have to wait a bit longer. We will ensure that you start your recovery exercises at the perfect time for your particular procedure.
Let's take a look at a couple more exercises that can help your body heal a hernia naturally.
Foot elevated glute bridges help work the glutes and train pelvic alignment via the TA muscles. When your core is supported from the bottom in this way, it sets the stage for your body to heal from a hernia. By using yoga blocks you make it easier to target the glutes rather than the quads. When the quads are targeted it can cause an anterior pelvic tilt which is an alignment that puts more pressure out on a hernia.
When our midback muscles are weak it's harder to hold a neutral core during the day. The problem with that is pressure ends up spilling out the front of our core. The great thing about working midback in the half kneeling position is you'll end up working hamstrings as well as abs by holding the position that I cue. Bonus! I love when I can do just one exercise and target three areas at once!
I am trained in being able to help you though a live video call format as well as through in person work. And the great news is, the video method3 has been proven to be just as successful as in person options – so no worries if we live far apart! These days, I perform over 95% of my sessions remotely and the success rate of my clients healing is no different over video versus in person.
I have a team of trainers who have the many of the same educational backgrounds as me and can also provide you with sessions to help your body heal a hernia naturally. Meet the team.
If you would like more information on what I might be able to do for you, feel free to reach out!
➡️ I offer a Free 15 minute Discovery Call where we can discuss your hernia as well as your health history and I can give you an honest assessment of how you may (or may) not benefit from what I have to offer! No one should have to live with a hernia, and there is so much that can be done to help them.
➡️ You can also book a 60 Minute Visit with me here.
I am so excited to bring this knowledge and skill set to you as just one of the many services Home Bodies in-home fitness training provides - especially since this is an issue that is near and dear to my own heart and experience.
You can also request a Price Quote below. I promise I can give you tremendous value with even just one session!
1 Brown A, Abrahams S, Remedios D, Chadwick SJ. Sports hernia: a clinical update. BR J Gen Pract. 2013:(608):e235-7. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X664432
2 The functions of breathing and its dysfunctions and their relationship to breathing therapy. Rosalba Courtney. RMIT University, School Health Science, 11 Binburra Ave, Avalon, N.S.W. 2017, Australia
3 Determinants of physical activity frequency and provider advice during pregnancy. Eilann C. Santo, Peter W. Forbes, Emily Oken & Mandy B. Belfort. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth volume 17, Article number: 286 (2017).